School Based Mental Health Services


      This year Red Lodge High School has partnered with Altacare of Montana to provide mental health services for children and their families in the schools.  In Montana, school based therapy programs are called Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT).

The programs provide a range of services in the schools to children and families seeking assistance with difficulties in their lives.  Services include mental health assessment, coordination with teachers and coordination with other services such as outpatient therapy, medication management, or case management.


We work with elementary, middle and high school-aged children whose struggles with life challenges impair their relationships, schoolwork, self-esteem, and general well being.  Such life challenges might include divorce, loss of a loved one, neglect, familial mental or physical illness, familial substance abuse, domestic violence, physical abuse, learning disabilities, or peer discord.  In order to qualify for the school-based services, children must meet state specifications for severe emotional problems. 


  • Increased communications between the school and hard to reach families
  • On site mental health services for children, meeting their needs within their community and school environment rather than sending them elsewhere
  • Enhanced growth and development of children involved
  • Enhanced total quality of care for children with mental health needs
  • Increased communications with other community resources
  • Child’s ability to function within the school increased as mental health needs addresses


Montana licensed or licensing Masters’ level clinicians provide group, individual and family counseling and supervise behavior and skill building programs.  Examples of issues covered might include grief, anger management, impulse control, dealing with trauma, goal setting, resiliency development, adjustment to life stressors, positive self-expression, positive self-regard, and/or thinking strategies.

Behavioral Intervention Specialists provide skill building in such areas as making friends, conflict resolution, bullying, peer pressure, study skills, using social graces, and character development.  Additionally, they provide supervision on the playground, in the lunchroom to intervene in potential crisis and model and reinforce developing skills on the spot.

If a family is interested in school based mental health services, please contact Rex Ternan or Cindy Luoma at 406-446-1903.